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我想向一個特別的地方——紐約,和一個令人驚歎的場館——麥迪遜廣場花園,致以非常大的問候。 太令人驚歎了。




看看外面,從這裡一直到河邊的景象。 美麗的哈德遜河。 現在他們在外面觀看著,達到了前所未有的規模。 他們從未見過這樣的場面。


我要感謝吉姆·多蘭。 他做得很棒。 他真的很棒。 他們的工作成果非常出色。 謝謝你們。

我很激動能回到我所愛的城市,成千上萬的驕傲且勤勞的美國愛國者和我在一起。 我們在一起。 我們一直在一起。






今天我帶著希望的信息來到這裡。 只要你在這次選舉中投我一票,我將結束通貨膨脹。 我將阻止罪犯入侵我們的國家。 我將帶回「美國夢」。 我們需要「美國夢」回歸。






我們將實現無人能想像的成功。 我們將擁有最強大的經濟、最安全的邊境、最安全的城市、最強大的軍隊、最好的貿易協定,並將在科學、醫學、商業、技術和太空領域佔據主導地位。


我請求大家再次對我們國家的未來感到興奮。 我請求大家再次大膽夢想。 我們將再次大膽夢想。 我們一直以來都沒有大力推動夢想。




我們面臨的每個問題都可以解決,但現在國家的命運掌握在你們手中。 下週二,你們必須站出來,告訴卡馬拉·哈裡斯她做得很糟糕。 那位腐敗的喬·拜登做得也很糟糕。 你們摧毀了我們的國家。 我們不會再忍受了。 卡馬拉,你被解僱了。 滾出去。 滾出去。 你被解僱了。


早期投票正在每個搖擺州進行中,我們正在創下歷史新高。 他們在投票。 我告訴你們一件事,我不想談論這個。


但是我們必須繼續下去。 我們必須出去投票。 我們必須出去投票。


誰會想到這會發生? 我們在每個搖擺州都領先。


但這並不意味著什麼。 只有到最後我們表現如何才重要。 所以,九天后,我們將擊敗卡馬拉·哈裡斯,我們將重新奪回美麗的白宮。 我們將再次讓美國偉大,這將迅速發生。


不到四年的時間里,卡馬拉·哈裡斯摧毀了我們的中產階級。 她投下了決定性的一票,導致了我們國家歷史上最嚴重的通貨膨脹。 她在短時間內讓一個典型的美國家庭損失了3,000多美元,而在過去三年裡損失了超過30,000美元。 今年她還摧毀了50,000個製造業工作崗位。








我們將迅速戰勝通貨膨脹,並非常簡單地讓美國再次變得負擔得起。 我們將讓它負擔得起。




今天我宣佈一項新政策,我將支援對照顧父母或親人的家庭護理人員提供稅收抵免。 這是應該被承認的,對吧? 他們對國家做出了巨大的貢獻,卻從未被提及,現在他們將被提及。


我還將使購車貸款的利息完全可抵稅,但只適用於美國製造的汽車。 必須是美國製造的。

我們將實現能源獨立,我們將有所作為。 我們非常想要它。 我們會有所作為。 你們知道我們會做什麼嗎? 我們有很多人。 坐在這裡的一批北卡羅萊納的女士參加了二百多次我的集會。 她們可以告訴你們我們將要做什麼。








今天有很多這樣的新聞到來。 恐怕創了紀錄,議長先生。 我認為那是個紀錄。 那是很多冒牌的記者。




記住這一點:如果我們繼續這樣下去,我們將無法擁有最大和最好的市場。 我們不會有市場。 我們不會有國家。 但這僅適用於那些在美國製造產品並僱用美國工人的公司。


如果這些公司不在這裡生產產品,那麼當他們將產品運入美國時,他們將支付非常高的關稅,來換取與我們的工人和我們現在受保護的公司競爭的特權。 我們將保護我們的公司。 他們不再會離開。 他們不再會離開。






我永遠不會為捍衛美國而道歉。 我將保護我們的工人。 我將保護我們的工作。 我將保護我們的邊境。 我將保護我們偉大的家庭。 我將保護我們孩子出生時擁有的生活在地球上最富有和最強大的國家的權利。


在我們拯救經濟的同時,我還將恢復我們的邊境。 從未有過這樣的情況。 它比通貨膨脹還嚴重。 比經濟還嚴重,這是他們對我們國家所做的事情。 他們允許全世界的罪犯進入我們的國家。


在過去四年裡,卡馬拉·哈里斯策劃了美國歷史上任何領導人對人民所犯下的最嚴重背叛。 她違反了自己的誓言,消除了我們的主權邊界,並釋放了一支由移民幫派組成的軍隊,他們在對我們的公民發動暴力和恐怖活動。


這樣的情況在世界上任何國家都從未有過。 卡馬拉從監獄和精神病院引入了來自世界各地的犯罪移民,從委內瑞拉到剛果。 許多人來自剛果的監獄。 他們來自世界各地。


在過去一個月里,181個國家的人違反了我們的法律非法入境。 她把他們安置在你們的社區中,危害無辜的美國公民。



卡馬拉引入到我們國家的最致命、最殘忍的移民幫派之一是委內瑞拉的監獄幫派。 好一群人。 他們是在監獄中聚集起來的——據說是世界上最糟糕的監獄。 它被稱為特倫德·阿拉瓜。


而且他們正在接管公寓樓,並在全美國發起一場暴力殺戮狂潮,尤其是在科羅拉多州的奧羅拉市,我們的州長對他們感到害怕,也許他應該害怕。 但現在他們甚至已經佔領了時代廣場。 看看邊境的致命後果。 邊境危機。 創紀錄的高入境人數正在對美國各城市造成壓力。 這是一場全面的入侵。 武裝的委內瑞拉幫派成員突襲了科羅拉多州奧羅拉市的一處公寓樓。 當人們談論移民犯罪時,這就是他們所說的。 德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧市是最新的被委內瑞拉幫派成員佔領公寓樓的城市之一。


拜登和哈裡斯建立了一個人道主義假釋計劃,將他們帶進來。 我贊成說我們不會將跨境的無證移民當作罪犯對待。 超過13,000名被判謀殺的非法移民已被釋放到美國。


Thank you very much, everybody. 

Thank you very much to a very popular former First Lady, hopefully First Lady again. 

And I just want to say a very big hello to a special place, New York, and to an incredible arena, Madison Square Garden. Incredible. 

And then we have all of the people that could fill it up 10 times. 

You take a look at outside what's going on all the way down to the river. The beautiful, beautiful Hudson River. They're outside watching this now at levels that nobody's ever seen before. They've never had it. 

And I want to thank Jim Dolan. He's been incredible. He's been just incredible. The job they've done. The job they've done. Thank you. 

But I'm thrilled to be back in the city I love, and thousands of proud, hardworking American patriots, you're with me. We're all together. We've always been together. 

And I'd like to begin by asking a very simple question. 

Are you better off now than you were four years ago? 

I'm here today with a message of hope for all Americans. With your vote in this election, I will end inflation. I will stop the invasion of criminals coming into our country. And I will bring back the American Dream. We need the American Dream to come back home. 

Our country will be bigger, better, bolder, richer, safer, and stronger than ever before. 

This election is a choice between whether we will have four more years of gross incompetence and failure, or whether we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country. 

We will achieve success that no one can imagine. We will have the strongest economy, the most secure borders, the safest cities, the most powerful military, the best trade deals, and we will dominate the frontiers of science, medicine, business, technology, and space. 

And I'm asking you to be excited about the future of our country again. I'm asking you to dream big again. We're going to dream big again. We haven't been dreaming big at all. 

This will be America's new golden age. It's going to happen quickly, too, very quickly. 

Every problem facing us can be solved, but now the fate of our nation is in your hands. Next Tuesday, you have to stand up and you have to tell Kamala Harris that you've done a terrible job. That crooked Joe Biden has done a terrible job. You've destroyed our country. We're not going to take it anymore. Kamala, you're fired. Get out. Get out. You're fired. 

Early voting is underway in every swing state, and we are setting all-time records. They're voting. I tell you what. I don't want to talk about it. 

But we have to keep it going. We've got to get out and vote. We just have to get out. 

And who would have thought this was going to happen? We're leading in every swing state. 

But it doesn't mean a thing. It only means, how are we doing at the end? So, we have nine days from now, and we're going to defeat Kamala Harris, and we're going to win back the beautiful White House. And we're going to make America great again, and it's going to happen fast. 

In less than four years, Kamala Harris has shattered our middle class. She cast the deciding votes that launched the worst inflation in the history of our country. She cost the typical American family over $3,000 in a short period, but over $30,000 over the last three years. She killed 50,000 manufacturing jobs this year alone. 

Now, Kamala wants to raise the typical family taxes by nearly $3,000 a year and impose a 33 percent tax hike on all domestic production. 

If Kamala Harris gets four more years, our economy can never recover. 

If I win, we will quickly build the greatest economy in the history of the world, which is what we had in our last term. 

We will rapidly defeat inflation, and we will very simply make America affordable again. We're going to make it affordable. 

I will massively cut taxes for workers and small businesses, and we will have no tax on tips. No tax on overtime. And no tax on Social Security benefits for our seniors. 

And I'm announcing a new policy today that I will support a tax credit for family caregivers who take care of a parent or a loved one. It's about time that they will recognize, right? They add so much to our country and are never spoken of, ever, ever, ever, but they're going to be spoken of now. 

I'll also make interest on car loans fully tax-deductible, but only for cars made in America. Have to be made in America. 

And we will achieve energy independence, and we will do something. We want it so badly. We're going to do something. You know what we're going to do? Front row Joe's. You know, I got front row Joe's here. I got the ladies from North Carolina, number 249. 

This is the 200 -- and you look so beautiful. 

We have a lot of people.

The ladies can tell you what we're going to do. 

We're going to drill a baby drill. 

And I will terminate the green news scam, and we'll cut your energy prices in half—50 percent—within one year from January 20th. 

Is the fake news hearing that? 

Whoa! Look how much—wow, that's a lot of fake news. That is a lot of fake news. Look at that. Wow. That's got to be a record, Mr. Speaker. I think that's a record. That is a lot of fakers back there. 

To bring back millions of jobs, we will give our companies the lowest taxes, the lowest energy costs, the lowest regulatory burdens, and free access to the best and biggest market on the planet. 

Remember this: If we keep going like this, we won't have the biggest and the best. We won't have a market. We won't have a country. But only for those who make their product here in the USA and hire American workers for the job. 

And if these companies don't make their products here, then they will pay a very stiff tariff when they send their products into the United States for the privilege of competing with our workers and our now-protected companies. We're going to protect our companies. They're not leaving anymore. They're not leaving anymore. 

We're also going to pass the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, meaning if China or any other country charges us 100 or 200 percent tax or tariff, we will then charge them a 100 or 200 percent tax or tariff. 

It's called an eye for an eye. 

And I will never apologize for defending America. I will protect our workers. I will protect our jobs. I will protect our borders. I will protect our great families. And I will protect the birthright of our children to live in the richest and most powerful nation on the face of the Earth. 

As we rescue our economy, I will also restore our borders. There's never been anything like it. It's bigger than inflation. It's bigger than the economy, what they're doing to our country. They're allowing criminals from all over the world to enter our country. 

Over the past four years, Kamala Harris has orchestrated the most egregious betrayal that any leader in American history has ever inflicted upon our people. She has violated her oath, eradicated our sovereign border, and unleashed an army of migrant gangs who are waging a campaign of violence and terror against our citizens. 

There has never been anything like it anywhere in the world for any country. Kamala has imported criminal migrants from prisons and jails, insane asylums, and mental institutions from all around the world, from Venezuela to the Congo. A lot of people are coming from the Congo prisons. They're coming from all over the world. 

Over the last month, 181 countries violated our laws. And she has resettled them into your communities to prey upon innocent American citizens. 

But the day I take the oath of office, the migrant invasion of our country ends, and the restoration of our country begins. 

One of the deadliest and most vicious migrant gangs that Kamala has imported into our country is the savage Venezuelan prison gang. Nice group of people. They got together in prison—the worst prison in the world, they say. It's called Trende Aragua. 

And that is taking over apartment complexes and unleashing a violent killing spree all over America, especially in Aurora, Colorado, where we have a governor who's petrified of them, and maybe he should be. But now they've even taken over Times Square. Take a look. 

Borders' deadly consequences. Border crisis. Record high crossings are putting a strain on cities across America. It is a full-blown invasion. Armed Venezuelan gang members storming an apartment complex in Aurora, CO. When people talk about migrant crime, this is what they're talking about. San Antonio, TX, just one of the latest cities to have apartment complexes taken over by members of the Venezuelan gang. 

Biden and Harris had created a program to bring them in on humanitarian parole. I am in favor of saying that we're not going to treat people who are undocumented across the borders criminally. More than 13,000 illegal immigrants convicted of murder have been released into the United States.

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